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Legacy logo needed for internet radio station

Discussion in 'Archived' started by VRN, Aug 18, 2005.

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  1. VRN

    VRN New Member

    I've recently started up an internet radio station, and I was wondering if someone could design me a logo. Until I can afford to pay record companies etc, It only plays video game soundtracks and remixes. I'd really appreciate anypnes help. Thanks.
  2. Coolio10

    Coolio10 Graphics Designer

    Ill help

    What is your internet radio station called?

    Ill help.:)
  3. VRN

    VRN New Member

    Thanks a lot. Its called Varia Radio Network, or VRN for short. Anything is appreciated!! I'll make sure to credit you on the website ;)
  4. Coolio10

    Coolio10 Graphics Designer


    tell me if you like it.:)

  5. VRN

    VRN New Member

    Loving the logo

    Thanks a lot - I'm definately using this :D
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