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Legacy Logo for Freindly IT Consulting Services

Discussion in 'Archived' started by koloftoo, Aug 3, 2009.

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  1. koloftoo

    koloftoo New Member

    Hey Guys,

    I've recently lost my job and have decided to give this a go. I've been told that I'm pretty good with General IT services, PC troubleshooting, Windows Domain design and setup, security hardening and such... But it seems like god didn't give me a share of creativity when it was being handed out :rolleyes:. So rack my brain as I would, I can't seem to come up with a neat, simple, relevant and distinctive logo for my website and business card.

    So I was hoping one you god's loved ones will be able to help me. It would be much appreciated.:) And I would offer any professional services, advice or consultation that are within my power in return. Don't worry, I'm quite good at what I do. ;)

    The name I'm thinking of is Sepenta Consulting, Inc. The idea is to be an IT consultant/Contractor for small to medium sized companies.

    Thanks in advance,
  2. koloftoo

    koloftoo New Member

    Forgive the misspell in the title! Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to edit it.
  3. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    How about this simple 'texted' logo?

    Attached Files:

  4. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    I made this from a logo design tool, I think it's nice though.

  5. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    ooow, I really like that shape!
    Good job!
  6. koloftoo

    koloftoo New Member

    Wow, You guys are great! Thanks for putting in the effort to create your art works.

    CovertPea, unfortunately I find the text a little hard to read. So people will probably have a hard time associating it with the company name.

    BoemBoem, I have to say I like your concept very much. You see! That's the creative part I was talking about :). I would have probably never thought of it.

    I like the cube very much. But I wanted to ask you if it would be possible to make the cube somehow relevant to networking, connectivity or circuitry. As if the different parts are talking to one another, or something like that.

    Thanks again guys,
  7. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    ok mate, I think this suits your needs better ;)

  8. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    Can you please send me your url?
  9. koloftoo

    koloftoo New Member

    Ah dude!!! Man that looks great! I'm not exaggerating. I don't know where you live but I sure wish I could buy you lunch or dinner. Total strangers doing things like that for one another! Makes your heart smile. :) All I can say is that instant Karma is gonna get you my brotha... a few times. ;)

    As to your question, I don't have a site yet. But I'm working on it. I wanted to print it on the biz card and letterheads and such as well. Is that gonna be a problem?
  10. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    I'll make it ready for printing :) Karma needs to hurry though. I will start my own company in a few months, this is good for my portfolio. (http://www.friesecomputerservice.nl )
    The attached file contains the image png and transparent in 600 dpi, more then enough for printing, it's even good enough for busstop posters :D

    I live in Holland btw, but you can send me the lunch by mail ;)

    Attached Files:

  11. koloftoo

    koloftoo New Member

    BoemBoem, Instant Karma ™ is a true and trusted system. All you have to do is to call in your request 72hrs in advance. :D No, but seriously, I think we get back what we put out in the world. This is only logical. It has happened to me many many times before.

    Tell me, do you live anywhere near The Hague? I have no plans on coming that way any time soon. But you never know...

    Thanks again Boem
  12. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    Ahh.. The Secret :) I know that one too, works like a charm :) I live in the north of Holland, like 160 km from The Hague :)
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