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Legacy Logo for a paranormal research group

Discussion in 'Archived' started by Christiano, Jun 22, 2009.

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  1. Christiano

    Christiano New Member

    1) What is your website address?
    Site URL: http://www.cbppsite.xpg.com.br/
    Site Name: Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Paranormais (Brazilian Center for Paranormal Research)

    2) Description of your website:
    Official website of my paranormal research group, operating nationwide

    3) List 3 logo designs you really like & why:
    I really like the following logos (the first one because it looks serious and not trying to make fun of ghost hunting research; the second one because it's really simple, featuring only the abbreviation for the group's name; and the third one because it looks really modern)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    4) Requested size of your logo: I'd like it to be big enough to transfer it to a shirt for group members; I'll try and edit its size to fit the website; it could feature only the abbreviation for our groups name (CBP) like the second logo above or both the abbreviation and the name of the group like the first one above

    5) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo? Unfortunately not

    6) Any colors you prefer? black and red; or black and yellow
  2. GDSweb.ca

    GDSweb.ca Moderator/Developer

    Now this sounds interesting to me=)....I will make you a killer logo for your group.

    It will take me a few days to get it out for you, but check back daily and you might be surprised!
  3. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Ah hah! I guessed this one might pique your interest Kris! :D
  4. GDSweb.ca

    GDSweb.ca Moderator/Developer

    Oh Susan....you guessed right! lol...;)
  5. GDSweb.ca

    GDSweb.ca Moderator/Developer

    Maybe something along the lines of this??

    Let me know what your thoughts are..

    One has a black back, the other is transparent.

    Sample Pics:

    Attached Files:

  6. Christiano

    Christiano New Member

    Thanks a lot. I think they're great. I'm thinking about using the first logo on the website and the second one for the shirts of the members of my research group. I'll show the logos to them later today and get back to you after that.
  7. GDSweb.ca

    GDSweb.ca Moderator/Developer

    Here are the pics in a Zip.

    I have included the two I posted plus Two very large originals.

    let me know if you need any changes...

    Attached Files:

    • cbp.zip
      File size:
      978.4 KB
  8. Christiano

    Christiano New Member

    Thanx. Can you please do a black and white logo, plase?
  9. SPRE Club Admin

    SPRE Club Admin New Member

    Wow, thats pretty good!

    Hello, i am the president of the Hayes Spre Club organization, and i really like the logo you made for them, i was wondering if you could do one for us with the same design?
    Something that says
    SPRE Club
    -Paranormal Investigation-
  10. GG

    GG Active Member

    Hey sorry but that can't happen because asking for the same design but different text is still considered as copyright...
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