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Legacy Logo for a Futsal School

Discussion in 'Archived' started by Fernando Silva, Jan 27, 2011.

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  1. Fernando Silva

    Fernando Silva New Member

    1) What is the exact name you would like in your logo?
    Reading Futsal Club
    Futsal School

    2) What is your website address (ex: http://site.com ; Site Name)?
    Do not have a website yet

    3) Description of your website or business:

    4) Have you found any logos/designs on the web that you feel convey
    the style you are looking for?
    Raw Soccer : Community Indoor Football Pitch in Lowestoft, Suffolk

    Maybe with the soccer ball on the floor

    5) Requested size of your logo:
    Various resolutions

    6) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo? (must be copyright free)
    Unfortunately no

    7) What logo styles do you like (text only, image only, text and image, etc.)?
    Text and image

    8) What colors do you want to see in your logo?
    Blue and yellow.

    9) What colors do you NOT want to see in your logo?

    10) Describe the target audience for your logo
    Kids (boys and girls), various age groups

    11) What are the top 3 things you would like to communicate through your logo?
    Fun, Professional and ambitious

    12) Where will your logo be used (print, website, etc.)?
    Print, website, t-shirts, flyers,etc.

    13) Do you have other info or links you want to share?

    14) Finally we need is there a style font you prefer, please let us know.
    I'll leave for the experts

    Thank you very much!!!

    Fernando Silva
  2. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Why the new thread, I thought CP was dealing with this request already...so confusing
  3. Fernando Silva

    Fernando Silva New Member

    Probably I have not explained myself very well, sorry.........CP is dealing with my logo request for the club, what I am looking now is a cartoon similar to the one on this site Raw Soccer : Community Indoor Football Pitch in Lowestoft, Suffolk for the Futsal School, so I can use in flyers, website,etc....

    Fernando Silva
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