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Legacy Logo Change needed please

Discussion in 'Archived' started by MackemDanny, Jun 13, 2010.

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  1. MackemDanny

    MackemDanny New Member

    Hi guys, sorry to bother you...

    I have this logo which i got made, but due to my inexperience of graphics im unable to change it.....

    I would like all the gold colour changed to red and the word Tigers changed to United... I have the photoshop file if that is any use.

    I have attached both files... sorry for the huge size of the badge.

    There is no rush either...


    Attached Files:

  2. gnoble

    gnoble New Member

    Here is what you requested. Let me know if you want anything changed.

    Please also do try and give back to the community. I just saw that the only posts you have on here are requesting team badges. But you have done nothing to contribute to the community.

    Attached Files:

  3. MackemDanny

    MackemDanny New Member

    Thats perfect gnoble, great thanks.

    I am going to try and make an effort to help the community, but it will take a while and wont be in the near future, ill only help out when im confident of doing so.

    Thanks that badge is great doesnt need changing...
  4. gnoble

    gnoble New Member

    I sent you a PM. Helping out does not necessarily have to be in the graphic design portion of the website. As you have said, your skills in that area are limited so no one expects you to contribute here. They are many sections of this forum though. Try giving a detailed website review or start a discussion in the general area about something you are skilled at. There are many places you could be of help. I'm sure you will find something you are confident in.
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