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Legacy Ice Hockey Club Logo :)

Discussion in 'Archived' started by davew, Sep 13, 2011.

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  1. davew

    davew New Member

    Hi guys, after several years of the same logo and shirt our club are look for a new look,

    where not a registered team but more of a group of friends that teach adults to play ice hockey before they move on to registered teams,

    where looking for a new logo but we don't have anyone in the club who's any good at graphic design,

    any way guys thanks for reading and here's the spec.....Dave :)

    1) What is the exact name you would like in your logo?
    The exact text that you want in your logo. Include other details like
    positioning, if you need it done in a certain way.

    Team Name- SHEFFIELD STIXS , and maybe Ice Hockey Club if will fit with theme, we use dark and light blues and our kit colour is white/blue or black/white

    2)What is your website address

    currently we have no website, although i will be taking care of this at some point, dark blue light blue and whites,

    3) Description of your website or business:

    Ice Hockey Club

    4) Search the Internet for any logos/designs on the web that you feel convey
    the style you are looking for?

    our current logo is : http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/41573_4172932948_6428_n.jpg

    we like the look of a 3d style logo like the earthquakes one done for the soccer club wanting a logo, where pretty open if it looks good......will be going on shirt and website,

    5) Requested size of your logo:

    size wise, we need it in aprox a4 for the front of a hockey shirt and also a high res 300x300 maybe for the website,

    6) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo? (must be copyright free)

    where pretty open on this, a decent text font and maybe some crossed hockey sticks or mask or something along these lines, the team name is the STIXS which is just hockey sticks,

    7) What logo styles do you like (text only, image only, text and image, etc.)?

    image and text would work best based on some sort of background, sheild or crest or something maybe...~?

    8) What colors do you want to see in your logo?
    light blue dark blue white silver, grey and anything elce that goes,

    9) What colors do you NOT want to see in your logo?
    none really as long as it works

    10) Describe the target audience for your logo

    all, its to represent a mixed group of ages

    11)What are the top 3 things you would like to communicate through your logo?

    just to look cool, maybe slight aggressive to give an edge of fear :)

    12) Where will your logo be used (print, website, etc.)?

    Website, Hockey Shirt, Sew on Badge

    13) Do you have other info or links you want to share?

    erm, there is a link for the current logo, where after somthing new in similar colors, all the other club badges seem to have names and an image, i feel we could do with moving this way to,

    14) Finally we need is there a style font you prefer,

    no real preference, has to be readable so nothing to fancy, but something with a bit of width to it maybe...[/COLOR]

    thanks very much all for taking the time to read this all, thanks very much in advance for anyone who fancy the challenge and look forward to hearing from you all soon,

    ps can i just add, the redesign is not common knowledge around the club yet and would ask that it be kept semi quite please, any point of contact for the should be through myself,

    thanks again,

    Dave :):)
  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Nice review - keep it up
    here are a two to look at.


  3. davew

    davew New Member

    like the style of the 2nd one...looks pretty kool,

    although it has been pointed out to me i can not spell and its Stix (my bad for wrong info), think we could defiantly do somethings along these lines if you fancy helping us out a bit more,

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