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Legacy I Need My Logo Updated So Its Looks More Urban

Discussion in 'Archived' started by jriddle, Sep 17, 2005.

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  1. jriddle

    jriddle New Member

    i need the text changed to 'Loud n Clear Ent' and not 'Loud and Clear Entertainment' my logo is gonna be used on clothes, flyers and other things, we are urban entertainment company so it needs to have that vibe.

    thanks guys

    JR :cool:

    Attached Files:

  2. jriddle

    jriddle New Member


    Just wondering if my request has been accepted, if not thats cool, but you guys are doing a good job.

  3. ReVVeD

    ReVVeD Graphics Designer

    hi, ive done 3, do u like em?



    1 person likes this.
  4. jriddle

    jriddle New Member


    The logo's good still, but there not the kind of vibe i was looking for lets keep going. lol. please :D ive given my best pearly whites.
  5. ReVVeD

    ReVVeD Graphics Designer

    u got an example of wot ur lookin for?
  6. jriddle

    jriddle New Member


    if you go onto www. b e dtim ebabe. c om a the 3d style like there logo is what im after.
  7. ReVVeD

    ReVVeD Graphics Designer

    thnx, n lmao nice example ;)
  8. jriddle

    jriddle New Member


    I but u can guess wat i was looking when i got the new idea :eek: dont tell no one.

    but on a serious i hope that has helped to what im after
  9. ReVVeD

    ReVVeD Graphics Designer

    yea it did m8 ty lol
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