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Customization I need help on a free template you all made

Discussion in 'General' started by dj.wildman, Sep 3, 2007.

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  1. dj.wildman

    dj.wildman New Member

    I used one of the templates you made.. But i need to know if you can change the color to the color of this logo i have for a new Internet radio station I am building.. since I am doing so well.. :confused: So is there a way i can send you this lofo so you can see the color and see if you can change the template thats already done that is free. from red to a blue color.. or to a color that will go with this logo. the new Internet radio is called G Spot Radio.. G means girl or sexy G the spot hehehehe well get back to me pls barryl@cinci.rr.com
  2. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    You have to have Adobe Photoshop to change the colors.
  3. dj.wildman

    dj.wildman New Member

    I do not have Adobe Photoshop This is why i ask if some one from there can change the color for me.. thats all i want.. done.. Thank's lm French.. for your feed back.. Well If you could do this .. I would be more than happy to post a link for both templates.. np
  4. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    Yes just post the link and let me know the colors and I will be happy to assist you. :)
  5. dj.wildman

    dj.wildman New Member

    Well I think you miss understand me. I wanted the templat from the freewebsitetemplates.com changed so i could use it.. not the one i am useing.. its red.. i want it in a light blue color if you will go to this website http://www.wqkb.com/G SPOT RADIO/index.html and look!!! YOU'LL SEE THE COLOR OF THE LOGO I HAVE... I WANT THE TEMPLATE A LIGHT BLUE COLOR TO MATCH THE LOGO.. THE RED I WANT THE SAME COLOR AS THE LOG THAT SAYS G SPOT READIO THANKS LISA.. YOUR SO SWEET
  6. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    If you will let me know which template I will be happy to change it for you and zip it back up and send it to your email address. I will match the color from your current logo as closely as possible.

  7. dj.wildman

    dj.wildman New Member

    ok here is the name of it (Music shop template) its on the home page here https://freewebsitetemplates.com Oh your such a sweet heart... thank you so much.. Question are you in the u.s.a. if so i could get you a Gift card from our Wal-mart store's we have here.. they sponcer my wqkb.com radio and send them to me.. for free.
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