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CSS How does one create "page 2"

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by chrism, Apr 1, 2007.

  1. chrism

    chrism New Member


    I love my template.

    My problem is, I can't figure out how to do another page...i.e., an about page. I know html so can physically create a new page, but can't get it to use the same style sheet/frame etc. Do I have to copy all the html from the stylesheet and paste it for each new html page? I know how to edit my index page, just don't know how to create "anew" or at least get the same background color, top image, font styles, etc for the next page aside from copying the whole thing.

    I am using a WYSiWYG editor provided by my webhost.

    I bet that it is not automatic and i have to copy the style every time and I am just dense

    (i am new to style sheets)

    thanks in advance for not laughing at me
  2. solemage

    solemage New Member

    ok, I undertsnad what your talking about :) Here is what you do..
    in a folder, you should have these mabe lol
    original, or index.html and the css, and mabe a folder with the images...

    step1) open the html in notepad, fill in the information like hello and welcome to my site...after you did everything, click file, saveas and save it into the folder with mabe index.html if it isnt that already... then dont exit the note pad..
    2) erase the information that you put and add in mabe something like About, or FAQ and fill in the <body> the information you want in, then file save as again, but save it as faq.html, or about.html
    3) and keep doing that using the original html :) once thats done, open one at a time and replace the #'s with about.html and home with home.html for the navigation

    Hope that helped
  3. chrism

    chrism New Member

    Thank you!

    I don't feel so dumb afterall!

    Thanks a zillion!
  4. solemage

    solemage New Member

    Glad I was able to help :) if you have anymore questions let me know
  5. macaveli

    macaveli New Member

    Editing My Template

    I did what you suggested but the page colors and images did not carry over to the new page I added. Any suggestions?
  6. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    When you saved the page under a new name did you save it in the same folder?

    If you saved it in another folder the page wont be able to find the images and css fill.
  7. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    also you have to add the css to the html. When you edited the page with your "2nd" page you should have left the <header></header>. Which would include the link to your css...
  8. eucalypta

    eucalypta New Member

    A little bit different, is how i do it:
    go to the folder where you keep your files.
    Copy the index.html and paste it in the same folder (you could paste it a couple of times, as many as you need for your menu)
    the files are called "copy(1, 2, 3) of index.html
    Press F2 and change the name to "about.html" or whatever you please.

    In fact you have your whole website complete, exept that all the pages are still the same.
    Then change the content of each page

    Good free HTML-editors are: Coffeecup (WYSIWYG); 1st Page (works with different levels according to your knowledge) and Weaverslave.