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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by kholmes164, May 13, 2011.

  1. kholmes164

    kholmes164 New Member

    Hi everyone, my name is Kevin. Im a 24 year old music producer from Scotland. Im here to learn how to make a website for my future record label :D
  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Hello Kevin music producer from Scotland. I believe one of your kinsman is a regular on the forum. So what exactly does a music producer do? You wouldn't mind explaining would ya and welcome to the forum.
  3. kholmes164

    kholmes164 New Member

    Hi mate thanks for the welcome. Well basically what i do is make music from scracth and remix tracks for other artists through record labels. I do everything from djing, to creating a track, to talking to people, promoters, labels and i try my best to get known. :)
  4. EddieRaines

    EddieRaines New Member

    Interesting profession you have their. Anyways welcome to the forum.
  5. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Welcome to FWT Kevin.
    I'm sure you'll get all the help you need to get your website off the ground.




    from the state of kansas
    i run an adult soccer league in kansas
    and i have used the free website to download a template for our sites
    i've been reviewing templates
    my web site is www.empoirasoccer.com

    hopefully i learn how to improve my website
    and also make logos for all 6 of my teams
  7. EddieRaines

    EddieRaines New Member

    Welcome to the forum!!!
  8. kholmes164

    kholmes164 New Member

    Thanks for the welcome guys :) Nice to meet you