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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by cbl, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. cbl

    cbl New Member

    Hello everyone!

    I have a nutty story. Last week I awake from a deep sleep, and quite a crazy dream. I was being horrendously tortured by aliens...No I'm not a "trekkie" I dont watch x-files, thats not my cup-o-tea. But the next day something was eating at me urging me to try make money on line (not my cup-o-tea either), so since then I have put 10-14 hours a day into graphics design, logos and what not, testing out a bit of preliminary html, and yes, registered my first domain. Hence why I'm here, lol.


    Ive got quite a grasp, though novice it may be, on photoshop, and bit o social networking html experience, I know that means none. What im actually seeking ideas for is a "cash advance", or personal loans type marketing approach.

    Perhaps there are some threads you folks can point me to in that niche?



    Glad to be a part of the discussion!

  2. Welcome to FWT mate
    Enjoy your stay :)
  3. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    Hope you stick around.

    BTW, like the logo!
    Did you make that yourself?
  4. Linx

    Linx Member

    Hello cbl!

    Nice story ;) Welcome to the forum!