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Discussion in 'Archived' started by gaynor1984, Apr 9, 2012.

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  1. gaynor1984

    gaynor1984 New Member

    hi we have a logo but i cannot work out how to add text to it i wondered if any one could spare 5 minutes to do this for me i have copied and pasted the logo [​IMG]
    We would like Tolworth Athletic F.C at the top and Est 2009 at the bottom also could you transfer it onto a file that would allow us to use it for embroiding onto our football kits and for using it on our team website thanks very much for any time you take to help us
  2. gaynor1984

    gaynor1984 New Member

    added jpg file if this makes it easier to edit

    Attached Files:

  3. cynthiajwang

    cynthiajwang VIP Member

    What font face and color would you like?
  4. gaynor1984

    gaynor1984 New Member

    I don't mind the kit the badge would be going
    Onto will e navy blue so something that stands out on that is there also anyway it could be put into some kind of badge form as seen on this website elsewhere
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