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Web Design Help with Template

Discussion in 'Web Design' started by unstabledreamer, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. unstabledreamer

    unstabledreamer New Member

    i want to change the background to a brown instead of red but i cant see in the code where there is a place to change it. I looked in the CSS too but no place to change it if i have to by the PSD file i will can anyone help me im using the hair salon template
  2. unstabledreamer

    unstabledreamer New Member

    i opened the PSD file and changed the background but where do i put it in the code so it picks up the new background and not the old one and where could i purchase the PSD file if i need to? HELP
  3. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    You change the background color in your css, which is in a seperate file to the template.

    Should be style.css
  4. unstabledreamer

    unstabledreamer New Member

    i figured that out now what i want is the outside of the div to be black and when i change my html code to read <body bgcolor=#000000> it doesnt work? where else can i change the color of the outside