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Legacy Help with a logo

Discussion in 'Archived' started by dcroe05, Jul 20, 2005.

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  1. dcroe05

    dcroe05 New Member

    Request for help with logo

    I need a little help with a logo for my Online Writers’ Group

    What I’m looking for is a scrap of ripped paper with the groups name written on it and a wax seal. Here is my bumbling attempt. What I really wanted was something that looked like a scrap of old parchment (yellowed like an old map), ripped or burned around the edges. But I had to work with what I could find.

    As far as the wax seal goes I like that the way it is. Here it is in a GIF all by itself.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Also, since the webiste I run is a forum based site, I was wondering if you could tell me the name of the software for this forum?


  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Your logo looks great for me.
    This part of the forum is to add your own logo to our templates not to make logos.
    I might do this as a free service later on but now I just have to much work with all the templates.

    The software we use for this forum is vBulletin
  3. dcroe05

    dcroe05 New Member


    Sorry about the mispost. Is there any way I can move it to the Give and Get Help section?
  4. dcroe05

    dcroe05 New Member


    After prowling the site a little more I found your link to the stock photography site, and found an image I liked as a starting point. Here is my new writer's group's logo.

    And thank you for the info about the software, but right now I just couldn't afford the license so I'm going with phpBB. Maybe not quite as good but you can't beat the price.
  5. Lpspider

    Lpspider New Member

    looks fantastic

    Is your site up? Just interested as I'm a writer
  6. dcroe05

    dcroe05 New Member

    Both of my sites are up (in a certain way)

    www.dcroe.com is my personal site that I'm going to use to promote my own work. It's up in a form that will go away once my template from this site is ready. Currently the only story posted is in the Story section, and it's called, "The Hand You are Dealt".

    www.quixotics.com is the critique forum I run. It is up, but I haven't yet had a chance to try to recruit members. I'd like to get the membership up to 20-30 active members.

    I'm glad to get onfirmation of the logo.

    Thank you.
  7. Lpspider

    Lpspider New Member

    I like the whole intro-type thing. Really cool.

    Your personal site wouldn't load for me so i just exited out - tried several times. Might be on my end (using AOL dialup-it sucks)

    I would suggest you get a custom or better fitting skin for your phpbb forum - the default is a turn off (makes me want to scream! ;D)

    Good luck with everything

    - Lpsider
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