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Legacy Help with a custom name logo

Discussion in 'Archived' started by ShaynaT, Sep 4, 2010.

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  1. ShaynaT

    ShaynaT New Member

    Here is a copy of my page and another example:

    Oh and try skinny...nothing thick. You know? I dont know if you know what I am talking about...:confused:

    It didnt do my web page for some reason....but anywho the background is this color....

    Thanks AGAIN!!!!! :)

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  2. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Another attempt

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    • stp.jpg
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    • stp2.jpg
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  3. ShaynaT

    ShaynaT New Member

    I like that. Thats more of what I am looking for. Not sure about the brown and purple together? Anything with a flower or something?:p
  4. ShaynaT

    ShaynaT New Member

    Also, I have found a font I think I like...Scriptina? Maybe something in that font?
  5. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    I have added font and flower, but changed the design slightly.

    Also added various colours to the back ground to match you website...

    Are we getting there????

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    • stp.jpg
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      42.2 KB
  6. ShaynaT

    ShaynaT New Member

    Oh I like that one!! I love the font!!!! You did good on that one! :)

    Can you try the other example? Either one. But I doooo like this one! THANK YOU! :D
  7. GG

    GG Active Member

    I will remove my graphic as I will be passing it on to either other members or selling it off.

    By the way forest nice designs! Getting better everytime I see them. Keep it up.
  8. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Right my final draft; I have blended all the parts you like into one, so before your bill comes to over $500 (just joking) PLEASE PLEASE say this could be the 1?

    IMPO I still like post#25 best, but it's for you to decide

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    • stp2.jpg
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      33.9 KB
  9. ShaynaT

    ShaynaT New Member

    Thank You sooo much for your help! Keep doing well and keep up the wonderful work! Your great!!! :)
  10. ShaynaT

    ShaynaT New Member

    LOL...your wonderful!! I love this one!! I do also like your last one as well!! Tough choice! :confused:

    Is there a way that I can check them both out on my page to see which one looks better?????
  11. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    You can right click on the image and save as jpeg or png (sorry i can't release both at this time, but once you have decided I will release the watermark for you ( I hope you understand as I may use the other for some-one else but not the name and avoid copyright)
  12. ShaynaT

    ShaynaT New Member

    I completely understand! I will try and make a choice and let you know in the morning. As for I am about to go to bed. Work comes way to early! ;)

    Thank you again soooo much! You have done wonderful work and have been very patient with me!

    I wish I knew how to do all of that. I do have photoshop elements 7 but have nooo clue how to do stuff like that! :(
  13. ShaynaT

    ShaynaT New Member

    Ok, I think I am going to go with #28. I thank you sooo much!

    You are wonderful!
  14. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Give me 5 mins and will post it up watermark free, once you have saved it please let me know , then I can remove it so no-one can use your logo......
  15. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Again right click and save, 1 with a white background and the other with a transparent background

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  16. ShaynaT

    ShaynaT New Member

    Thank you sooo much. You have been a great help! I appreciate all your hard work. Keep on rockin! :)
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