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Hello World ! I finally found a template forum.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by poison17, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. poison17

    poison17 Banned

    My name is Cris, and I was trying to find a repectable forum where I can get help when it comes about templates, logo and graphics. Hope that I arrive in the right place.

    I am new in this whole new internet websites thing, and 1 of the irst challange is to find the best appropiate graphics for your website.

    Now I have a few projects in my head, but I have to learn a little bit about templates , layouts and grahics in order to make an attractive user-frienldy website.

    My first try to make an website was this Seo Friendly Directory, where I used a free template, but as you can see, the website needs some improvements, mostly when it comes about the logo and favicon, and I have to mention that those 2 things (logo and favicon) is the main reason that I joined this forum, hope that I will find anyone who can help me improve them.

    Have a good day !
  2. sunnee

    sunnee New Member

    Hello and welcome Cristi!