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Hello, newbie with Terms of Use question

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Mamie, May 21, 2008.

  1. Mamie

    Mamie New Member

    Mamie here from Alabama.

    I just want to say I love this site. I have looked at quite a few templates but have never used one. I know many of you developed and sell websites and that's where my question comes in. In the 'terms of use' it states

    "Unlike most free template providers you can do a lot with our templates. Modify it and redistribute it as long as you state that you used a template originally made by Free Website Templates. . . . No materials from Free Website Templates can be resold."

    I know you can't sell templates, but can you use a template to develop a website and then sell the website? This is a new venture I'm thinking of trying.

    thanks a bunch,

  2. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    I think this would go against the terms.
    But, I would contact Mimoun on this one.
  3. Mamie

    Mamie New Member

    thanks for the response.

    For me this is a gray area. How is webdesigners using templates to design a clients website for a fee different than designing an established website and offering it for sale?

    all these templates are so professional, I ask myself "how did they do that?"