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Hello, new here. :)

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Fallen_Anjel, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. Fallen_Anjel

    Fallen_Anjel New Member

    Hello everyone, I recently found this website, just by searching for "free website templates". I almost didn't stay because I couldn't search via text for a theme, so I had to go thru manually. I found a Hardware store one on the 4/5th page and, well, here I am. :)

    I am a 38 yr old mom to a 6 yr old boy who loves playing Call of Duty ! LOL I have worked in Retail Hardware for 17 yrs (the same store too! :p) I like electronics, computers, most anything technology related. I like making my own webpages, and photography. I love listening to my scanner, (Radio Shack Pro-97). I run my own message board, http://www.notrolls.tk . Nothing special at that, just a chit chat forum. (Kind of like Seinfeld... a forum about nothing :D). I love using smilies, and sometimes I type WAY too much! :eek:

    I'm totally new to using a template for a website, and know nothing about css or javascript or Photoshop, so you'll be seeing a LOT of me in the next few weeks as I try to get a site up for my job. However, whatever I learn, I am eager to pass along to others. :cool:

    So that's me!
  2. sunnee

    sunnee New Member


    Hello and welcome!
  3. Toz

    Toz New Member

    Hello to you

    Hello! I'm sure you're going to love it here!! There are so many people willing to help when you are stuck - not to mention about a squillion different templates to adapt!! Definitely the best place to be!!:D
  4. sunnee

    sunnee New Member

    Hello and welcome to this useful kind site, enjoy!