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Hello, friends!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Adambomb, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. Adambomb

    Adambomb New Member

    I'm sorry for those of you that have to read this (soon to be) long post, but I feel the need to explain a few things and ask some basic questions. Pardon my ignorance, as web design (and the like) is definately not my forte. Granted, I played around with angelfire.com in high school... but it was nothing more than copy/paste HTML. I'm here for a higher purpose!
    In any case, I need to explain why I'm here - which will hopefully draw some advice or help out of the woodwork. I just bought the domain name for the site I'd like to create (www.confessionconnection.com). I haven't done a single thing to it yet, and not really sure even where to start (I got it from godaddy.com)
    Purpose of my site: I have a ton of regrets about my life. At 27, I'm finding it hard to get passed certain events in my life that could have gone better. I find the best way to get over things is to talk about them or make the "confession" to the person that may be involved in the situation. I'd like my site to have such a format to it - to allow anyone, from anywhere to make confessions that will allow them to get over certain things. I want this site to be open and inviting, and void of negativity (after all, who wants to be criticized after finding the courage to come clean about something?).
    In any case... I know it's a lot to ask, but I sure would appreciate some help/answers/guidance. I'm not worried about making money off the site - I just want to help people if I can. Thank you, in advance, for your time and consideration.

  2. danelsmith

    danelsmith Banned

    I am also interesting in this topic, but I think that it's the right place for discussing it.
  3. tomw

    tomw Member

    It's seemed like a noble deed. I wish you success. I can help you by creating the necessary websites to provide the services you have in mind.