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Hello all. New here!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Turtle, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. Turtle

    Turtle New Member

    My name is Omar, and I'm from Atlanta GA. I am one of the owners of Globally Translated (our site is going under some reconstruction) but I just wanted to say hello to everyone here, and all though I'm not very technical per say. I hope to learn a good bit while I'm here.

    I know that many of you deal with many different industries, and not to sound to spammy, but we offer 10% of the contact price to any clients brought our way. From my experience I seem to be working more with html/design group than the actual owners themselves, and as stated above. Although I'm not to savy when it comes to html, and designing. I do want to try want to pick it up. (even at a novice level)

    Here's to happy posting!