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Hello all FWT users...

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by SpAz, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. SpAz

    SpAz New Member

    Hi, I just joined the site today in hopes to find a decent template for my new sites, although one isn't currently made yet, but others have asked for one, so I'm hoping it can be made. I provided my info in the section where it was already pending, so hopefully it'll get done soon enough.

    I do own my own website along with my co-owner (my girlfriend). We're going to be providing information for 2 games called RuneScape and MechScape. As some of you may know, both are owned by JaGeX. RuneScape has already been out for years now, where-as MechScape will be released sometime Q1 of 2009, so within a few months starting next year.

    I'm hoping to get a nice layout done up for both sites so I can start on the php coding of them and get information added to the sites. If any of you play RuneScape or will be playing MechScape upon its release, come on over and join the forum. We're looking for any members we can get to help, even if you work for FWT and want to help, that would be great. I could use all the help I can get as I'm doing this alone right now with the site design.
  2. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

  3. hugaming

    hugaming New Member

    Hey How It Going
  4. SpAz

    SpAz New Member

    Thx pezboy, I added you to msn, guess I'll talk to you whenever both of us are online and perhaps we can figure something out.
  5. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    I'm trying to IM you right now...