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Legacy hard rock band logo needed

Discussion in 'Archived' started by Josh0880, Jun 17, 2007.

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  1. Josh0880

    Josh0880 New Member

    Another 1 of my friends band would like a sweet logo somethin hardcore.....The name of their name is The Remaining. So if some1 could make me a few to let dem see dat would be great
  2. kirtapp

    kirtapp New Member

    got a few others to do first. I will get to it more toward the end of the week if someone else hasn't before then.
  3. Josh0880

    Josh0880 New Member

    ight thanks ill let em no
  4. kirtapp

    kirtapp New Member

    what do they think about this.

  5. Josh0880

    Josh0880 New Member

    ill show em den ill let u no....kk
  6. Murphy666

    Murphy666 New Member

    thought i would have a go lol

  7. Josh0880

    Josh0880 New Member

    i really like da 1 above dis comment but i gotta let da band see it tho
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