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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by mickeyfn, Jul 2, 2010.

  1. mickeyfn

    mickeyfn New Member

    Hello - I happened to stumble my way here so I wanted to introduce myself. I am a mom who has an online gift site and looking to advance in of my hobbies (photography) and hopefully be able to be good enough to make some money one day.

    I got here by looking up any and all things related to photography. I am seeing lots of amazing people here and I hope to be able to contribute in some way as well.

    I LOVE all things Disney so if that is a topic I will chat your ears off!

    Blessings, Tamara
  2. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Welcome to the forum Tamara.
    Great to see you're actively contributing to FWT. I'm sure someone will come up with a suitable logo for your new photography venture!

  3. mickeyfn

    mickeyfn New Member

    Thanks for the welcome CP! I feel like I have dumped into the deep water and am not sure how to swim! There is so much on this site that I have zero clue about - I am really enjoying reading and the talented folks opinions. Facinating!

    Blessings, tp
  4. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    What are the odds of finding someone on a forum who is logging in from the same IP supplier as me. I'd say I'd have a better chance of getting hit by lighting or winning the lottery. Hello there Canton-ite from a Waleska-in.
    Nice to have you join in.

    "I LOVE all things Disney so if that is a topic I will chat your ears off!"
    You must know my daughter-in-law? Her house is Disney of Georgia.
  5. mickeyfn

    mickeyfn New Member

    HI ishkey - very cool! Yes our family is a die hard Mouse fan! We have Disney all over our house as well. Waleska is beautiful.

    Happy 4th!
  6. robertreich

    robertreich Banned

    Hi, It’s nice to see you here. Welcome to the community. You will really enjoy in your stay here. Its time to share some idea of yours.