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Greetings, from Valrico Florida USA!!!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by TheJester, Mar 30, 2007.

  1. TheJester

    TheJester New Member

    Hi All! Greetings to everyone from lovely Valrico, FL, USA! My name is Chris, and I am the owner and webmaster for familypages.net out there in cyberspace. I have been doing web development for many years now. I am very good programmatically, but I am not much of an artist. That is how I landed here! I will be more than happy to answer any questions, and will visit the appropriate forums from time to time to offer any insight I can provide. I know Cold Fusion, perl, and HTML really well. I am OK with JavaScript and CSS, and I am working hard towards getting asp.net figured out (and DotNetNuke as well). :cool: I am very much looking forward to the request forums opening, so I can see about getting these awesome artists and developers to develop some templates for me! In the meantime, I am happy to start with the ones already out there, both on this site and other sites I have found. Everyone take care!

    -- Chris Ivey
    Owner and Webmaster, FamilyPages.net
  2. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Welcome to FWT

    But it looks like your site has been hacked :p
  3. TheJester

    TheJester New Member

    Website Hacked...

    Yeah, I know it was hacked. My current hosting company apparently does not know how to lock down their servers. Lovely, no??? I got a letter from them last week that said "we are shutting down in 2 weeks, so you need to find a new host". What a bunch of punks!! :D Oh well, that is the way it goes I guess. I don't care at this point - my template was poor anyways! LOL That is what lead me here, my search for a new template. Once I move to a (hopefully) more secure hosting company, this won't happen again. Thanks for the welcome!

    -- Chris Ivey
    Owner and Webmaster, FamilyPages.net
  4. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    Welcome to the forum...sorry to hear about your hosting problems.