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Greetings from Hong Kong

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by robertchoi, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. robertchoi

    robertchoi New Member

    Hi all, it's a pleasure to be here!

    I'm currently staying in HK for a while, at least
    until the holiday season has faded...simply enjoying
    the wonderful food and climate, what a great place!

    I look forward to this forum, where I hope to be
    able to help my friend build an art website to
    sell his paintings.

    Have a wonderful holiday and all the best!


  2. fairdoes

    fairdoes Member

    art websites

    Helping your friend sounds a good idea! Get him/her a blog too!
  3. Dexxa

    Dexxa New Member

    Welcome To The Forum's :)
  4. robertchoi

    robertchoi New Member

    Good idea, fairdoes. I've considered that.

    But what about if he doesn't like the templates
    available with the blog? He is very picky, and
    I don't think he will just accept any template.

    It would be great to have a specific art template,
    where we can display thumbnails easily.


  5. fairdoes

    fairdoes Member

  6. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    Hi Robert...welcome to the forum!
  7. robertchoi

    robertchoi New Member

    Thanks for the help, fairdoes!
    I guess I need to re-create the template
    for it to match his needs. That's fine, I was
    just hoping for an easier way, as I have my
    own websites and blog to do as well.

    But the more I think about it, it seems the
    blog will be a good way to present the
    thumbnails as individual entries.

    Thanks again!
