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Great Concept; how can I help?

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by James D, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. James D

    James D New Member


    My name is James and I registered here because I like the idea of a free website that helps others, and not so much because I really need anything.

    Although I am a very busy person with limited computer coding or graphics skills I always try to help others in any way I can with the skills I do have. I always try spending any available time helping others as a way to give back to the world community that I live in. I was struck by the entire “help others” theme behind this site and again this was the reason I signed up.

    While here I will probably participate in “Site Reviews” and other areas where I think I can provide some valuable input based on the business skills I do have.

    I am also interested in learning how best to help promote this site, and more about the people behind the scenes.

    I am currently working on a large web project and was simply looking for a template design and when scrolling through templates when I came across this site.

    If there is anything anyone would like to know or any questions please feel free to ask.

  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Hello James,

    Welcome to the FWT community.
    The people behind the scenes are CovertPea, Ishkey and myself.
    But the website is more about the whole community and not just about the admin and moderators.
  3. James D

    James D New Member

    Thank you, and I agree with you it’s about the entire community, I just wanted to have an idea who was behind it all and how as a member beside posting I can help
  4. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Welcome to the forum James.

    I'm sure there'll be other FWT members ready to help you with ideas on the best ways to contribute 'round here.
    As for myself, I've been away for only one week and I'm slowly working my way through what appears to be hundreds of unread posts. :p

  5. danelsmith

    danelsmith Banned

    Hi, It’s nice to see you here. Welcome to the community. You will really enjoy in your stay here. Its time to share some idea of yours.