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Legacy Gaming community logo

Discussion in 'Archived' started by Recidivist, Jan 23, 2010.

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  1. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Hi :>

    I am re-building my gaming site as it went down sometime last year. I requested a template on here but I have no idea what happened to that, so I've been slowly doing one myself. However, I am really bad at making logos. I don't find it hard to make the simple, plainish images to build up a basic templatey type thing, but I just can't do complicated things.

    So I'm looking for a logo for my site: GameFuse Gaming Community

    What's been done on the template hasn't been uploaded yet, so it's a half finished redirect goign to our forums. If you take a look at the forum you'll see the kind of colours I'm looking for, dark greys - blacks, and lightish blues.

    I havn't really had many ideas on what to do as a logo, so if you do feel you want to, please go ahead and do whatever you think would fit the site. I'll give what I can of some of my ideas.

    This was a really quick sketch of an idea by a friend that's helping with the site. It's a game controller wrapped in the atoms circular liney things, no idea what they are called :p

    The atom liney things just incase you didn't get it from the image above:
    We'd like that with GAMEFUSE written somewhere on it. Any attempts are really appreciated, whether you do your own thing or go by that. I hope some people are interested and give it shot.

    Thanks a lot in advance :>
  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Usually when I give it a shot, it seems to get others to post something better.
    So let's see what you guys got.

    Attached Files:

    • gf2.jpg
      File size:
      26.3 KB
  3. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Nothing here Dave, I reckon my brain has melted in this heat.:(
  4. FaTaLiT33

    FaTaLiT33 New Member

    I think the updated logo suits the site.
  5. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member


    Thanks the effort ishkey, it's nice, but we were looking to get a controller made from scratch rather than using an image of one for a specific console. I actually started on something..hmm..lemme find it.


    Isnt finished and it's really just a test, but yeah :p
  6. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    I just knew I should have gone with Lithium instead of Seaborgium.
    Altering elements, removing protons is best left up to those in the know.
    Just because seaborgium is a synthetic element that is not present in the environment at all. It has no uses, according to science and only very small amounts of of element 106, seaborgium, have ever been made.
    I had really thought this would have given seaborgium the fame it deserves.
    I had really thought it would have been fit for the site and mask the fact that the game controller wasn't hand drawn.
    If and this is a big If... I only had used my remote viewing capabilities to see hand drawn was what you wanted, how could I have missed that... - I would have never took literally what you posted "I havn't really had many ideas on what to do as a logo, so if you do feel you want to, please go ahead and do whatever you think would fit the site."

    Well at least I know the color is close - I sampled your site color.
    I told you CP if I give it a shot it would evoke controversy, and someone else would take up the challenge, just look at the graphic Recidivist posted.
    Anyway I did get a Thanks for the effort.
    Huh I'm moving up in the Graphics Realm.
    Who knows some day I'll master this graphics stuff.
  7. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    I think I picked some of that seaborgium out of my breakfast cereal this morning.
  8. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    I hadn't, and I still havn't had many ideas, and I am all for anyone having their own ideas and helping out. I appreciated what you had done, and it was close to what we were looking for on that particular idea. It's just that after putting more thought into it, we'd rather stay away from an actual photo of a controller for a specific console, as we are actually a PC community and we'd prefere thigns to be 100% unique rather than a picture that people could find on google with some decorations. I don't mean any disrespect to you by this or from anything I've posted, and I'm sorry if that's how it came across.

    We'd appreciate any other attempts, I havn't really had time to work on it myself, which is probably a good thing :eek:

    I also found this
    The top left circle is pretty much exactly what we'd imagined, just with a controller entangled within.


  9. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    Your title and description:
    Google displays 66 characters (including spaces) of your title
    You may want to add some more information to the title (maybe a short
    description) to include your main keywords

    <meta name="description" content="GameFuse" />
    Google displays 150 characters (including spaces) of your description
    below the title. You may want to add some more information to include
    your main keywords

    Free Logo Makers:

    Logo Design Engine - Create your Logo Free
    FREE Logo Design engine | Logo Maker | Logo Generator

    Free 3D Logo &amp Banner Creator
    Free 3D Logo &amp Banner Creator

    Logo Generator - your logo is just a click away
    Logo Generator - your logo is just a click away
    hope this helps
  10. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    This is pretty old now, had a logo designed by genuinegrpahics recently. Thanks for the links though ^_^
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