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Legacy Fun Logo Wanted

Discussion in 'Archived' started by CaGaPeach, Jun 11, 2007.

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  1. CaGaPeach

    CaGaPeach New Member

    I can't believe this place is for real!

    I'm just a grandmother that likes to take photos, and not really good photos at that! I refer to my poor amateur photos as the work of the "Redneck Digital Diva" for fun.

    Any of you out there looking to make a really fun logo for me to use on websites for us and our travels and my grandkids' web pages?

    Thanx for any response,
    Cheryl aka Ca Ga Peach
  2. kirtapp

    kirtapp New Member

    is there anything in particular that you have on mind at all? Any particular colors or anything. And do you have a website already that we can look at for an idea on size?
  3. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    Here are a couple that I came up with...not knowing what you are looking for does pose a problem...but maybe this will help you come up with some ideas, or maybe you'll love one of them and decide to go with it:



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