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Legacy football team badge

Discussion in 'Archived' started by linton375, May 8, 2011.

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  1. linton375

    linton375 New Member

    hi there covertpea,im currently starting a football team and would appreciate if you could create a design for my football team badge,i was thinking of blue and white with a black outline-team name is MIDLOTHIAN STAR AFC EST 2011,if you could help that would be greatly appreciated.

  2. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Hi Linton.
    We'll need more info from you before we can get something together for you.

    You need to read this post (and reply on your own thread) before requesting a logo: https://freewebsitetemplates.com/forum/f17/graphic-requests-must-read-14977/
    And please don't forget the other important stuff like...
  3. Enclavean

    Enclavean Member

    Are specifically asking for CovertPea? In that case wouldnt a PM be easier?
  4. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Linton has probably read the many times I've posted on FWT that I no longer fill requests for 'free' work that come via private messages. Of which, for some reason, I still get heaps of. :eek:
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