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Legacy Football Crest Request

Discussion in 'Archived' started by MattEvans, Jul 17, 2010.

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  1. MattEvans

    MattEvans New Member

    Hi there, could do with some help with designing a new crest for our football team:

    Team name: Woodseats Magpies FC
    Est: 2000

    Something like this but with a W instead of the H and Woodseats Magpies instead of Notts County and 2000 for the year:

    Attached Files:

  2. modman

    modman VIP Member

    could you read the sticky please
  3. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    What colours?

    Do you want birds on it too?

    Anything else?

    C'mon mister, help us out here, please.
  4. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Here's a quick sketch, but like CP has said we need more info

    Attached Files:

    • mag2.jpg
      File size:
      18.1 KB
  5. MattEvans

    MattEvans New Member

    Sorry chaps, answers to the questions below:

    1) What is your website address (ex: http://site.com ; Site Name)?

    AFC Woodseats Online

    2) Description of your website:

    Website for a Saturday football team

    3) List 3 logo designs you really like & why:

    Valencia crest; Valencia fc crest image by steven_valencia on Photobucket - It invloves stripes in the logo and includes a 'classic' image of the football.

    Chelsea FC crest - I support them!! Chelsea Football Club - Official Site for News, Tickets & Fixtures

    Notts County crest - Again invloves the split sections mix of stripes and no pattern. Also includes Magpies and I feel it's a solid base to design something on. Image above.

    4) Requested size of your logo:

    High Resolution - idea is to use them both for the website and on our kit.

    5) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo? (must be copyright free)

    Similar to the Notts County image I supplied above.

    6) Any colors you prefer?

    Black and White. The football being a 'classic orange' colour and maybe a Red band.

    That image supplied looks great, very good work. The birds are wanted as we're called 'Woodseats Magpies FC' so would like the magpies to be involved in there somewhere. How does it look with the band across the middle being red?

    I've been looking through the threads and trying to help where I can - mostly googling things to try and find answers!!

  6. modman

    modman VIP Member

  7. modman

    modman VIP Member

  8. modman

    modman VIP Member

  9. MattEvans

    MattEvans New Member

    The three logo's look great, thanks, great work!! I've shown the logo's to our team mates and they're currently voting on the crest to use. All are impressed with your work

    Thank you very much!!
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