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Legacy Football Crest Request

Discussion in 'Archived' started by stefhubble, Aug 27, 2009.

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  1. stefhubble

    stefhubble New Member

    Hey there, i am requesting a football crest for my team because at the moment we don't have one and we've been going for 6 years now. I have been looking for ages for someone to create a crest and have just found this sit. Thank god!!!

    We are called Ma Hubbards Football Club and here is our website www.mahubbardsfc.com for you to look at.

    I think the crest shoulb be black white and blue because thats what coulor kits we have. I want to be able to put the crest on the website and maybe even the shirts of our kits.

    We are a good team and won the treble cup in our league last season so maybe we could also have 'Treble Cup Winners 09' underneath the crest.

    We are situated in the middle of sherwood forest so we could maybe have a tree and a football on top of the trunk instead of leaves in the middle of the crest with our name around the edge.


    We wouldlike it if it came in high and low resolutuions for the website and for the kit.

  2. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    I think we could manage to do that for your team.
    The blue is a dark navy blue?

    "Ma Hubbard". Interesting name. Who or what was the team named after?
    (Never mind, I just found the answer on your site. :))

    Give me a few days to come up with something.

  3. stefhubble

    stefhubble New Member

    Thankyou very much!

    it is a navy blue thanks!

    Look forward to seeing what you come up with!
  4. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Hi guys,
    I didn't use your tree (or ball) as the tree looked kinda 'daggy' with a ball in its limbs.
    So, I ended up with this. What do you think?
    (image shown is much smaller than original and blue appears lighter on this forum)

    Attached Files:

  5. stefhubble

    stefhubble New Member

    That looks good thanks!

    We were just wondering if you could put 08-09 instead of just 09 and maybe use different kind of trees because where we live is mostly oak trees and its quite significant to Sherwood Forest where Robin hood is from!

    Sorry for the inconvinience!
  6. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    How about this?

    Attached Files:

  7. stefhubble

    stefhubble New Member

    Thats it!!! Thank you very much mate!

    You are a life saver!!
    Is there any chance of you sending it me through email@ stefhubble@hotmail.co.uk

    Thanks again
  8. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Zipped file has been sent to you via my gmail account.
    Please check your junk mail in case it ends up there.

    Cheers mate
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