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Legacy Football Club Logo Required

Discussion in 'Archived' started by OttoTheShrimp, Jul 28, 2011.

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  1. OttoTheShrimp

    OttoTheShrimp New Member

    Hi, We are a Sunday League Football Team based in Essex named RSFC.

    1) What is the exact name you would like in your logo?

    2) What is your website address (ex: http:/site .com/; Site Name)?
    Teamstats.net - Browser Requirements

    3) Description of your website or business:
    Sunday League Football Team

    4) Search the Internet for any logos/designs on the web that you feel convey the style you are looking for?


    5) Requested size of your logo:
    The logo would be used on our websites and social network

    6) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo? (must be copyright free)

    7) What logo styles do you like (text only, image only, text and image, etc.)?
    I would like to incorporate the two images above, but rather than having the yellow and red vertical lines in the top right of the 'Barcelona logo' I would like the 3 blades of Essex. FCB to be replaced with RSFC

    8) What colors do you want to see in your logo?
    Royal Blue & Varsity Red

    9) What colors do you NOT want to see in your logo?
    No preference

    10) Describe the target audience for your logo?
    The team and supporters of RSFC

    11) What are the top 3 things you would like to communicate through your logo?
    Team Name, Colours, and the Essex 3 shields

    12) Where will your logo be used (print, website, etc.)?

    13) Do you have other info or links you want to share?

    14) Finally we need is there a style font you prefer, please let us know.
    No preference

    Many Thanks

  2. modman

    modman VIP Member

    you have only made one post on the site as you can imagine we get alot of hit and run meaning as for a badge get it made and never seen again, all we ask is if you can look around the site and see if you can help out for example u could do some web reviews Website Review - Free website templates

    subject to you making some more posts ie helping out if you can here is something to get the ball rolling

    Attached Files:

    • rsfc.jpg
      File size:
      771.4 KB
  3. OttoTheShrimp

    OttoTheShrimp New Member

    Fully understand,

    I hope to add some positive and constructive feedback on the reviews and look forward to your input.

    Many Thanks
  4. OttoTheShrimp

    OttoTheShrimp New Member


    Could I ask the colours be as similar as the above shirt. I think the colours were the same as the original logo in my request. The above is the team shirt.

    Once again advanced thanks
  5. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Otto, what you're after is just too close to the original. How about this below?

    Attached Files:

  6. modman

    modman VIP Member

    like it cp
  7. OttoTheShrimp

    OttoTheShrimp New Member


    Like this very much, never really thought about anything different but having seen the above this logo looks and feels perfect.
  8. household61974

    household61974 New Member

    Nice! I like it too!
  9. modman

    modman VIP Member

    lots of people seems to like the Barcelona logo i often wonder why,
    but it just goes to show (with respect to cp ) something simple can be so perfect too much can be too much.
  10. OttoTheShrimp

    OttoTheShrimp New Member


    Appreciate your time on this. Would you be happy for us as a club to circulate your details to put some paid work your way? Lots of new clubs starting this year and we'll publish your details on the league websites if you like?
  11. leebooker

    leebooker New Member

    Just seen the logo and looks good. I have just posted a design request myself and can't wait to see what they come up with.
  12. modman

    modman VIP Member

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