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Flash flash naviagtion help... PLEASE

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by Masta, Jul 2, 2006.

  1. Masta

    Masta New Member

    how do u do it?? on a navigation?? not like a popup?

    so when the user puts there mouse over the text n cliks they go to the site?

    How do u link flash buttons to a website??

    i tryed for an example.

    getURL("www.google.co.nz", "_self");

    but once my flash menu navigation finished it's sweet lil intro.. i got sent straight to google... and i didnt even click the text i added the actionscript.... too

    how would i actualy link a flash button to my html page?

    so when the user moves his/her mouse over the text they are able to click the menu text ( just like a GIF, JPG button ) and be linked to the next page?....

    Oh and i am currently using Macromedia Flash professional 8.

    i put in

    on (release) {getURL("www.google.co.nz", "_blank");​

    and i got error message.


    > output
    **Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 19, frame=54:Line 1: Statement block must be terminated by '}'
    on (release) {
    **Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 19, frame=54:Line 4: Syntax error.
    Total ActionScript Errors: 2 Reported Errors: 2

    is it impossible to do a navigation menu? in flash? i hope not.... because the gif file of my naviagtion looks really gay...

    The Flash file im using

    It just confuses me on why someone would put a flash file on a template which u cant edit.... :|!!!
  2. tactican

    tactican New Member

    ah i think i know whats wrong but i cnt remember the code
    im not on my computer with flash on at the minuet

    but pm me just to remind me andi will get it for you :)
  3. Connor

    Connor Moderator / Programmer

    Please don't use gay in a negative way... its not a negative word so don't use it in a negative way... there are people on this site who just happen to be gay... and might get offended by it.
  4. webmast@

    webmast@ New Member

    you have to save it as an SWF!
  5. flope

    flope New Member