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CSS centering an unorded list menu + screen resolutions

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by Sybex, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. Sybex

    Sybex New Member

    hmm ok,

    I created an undorded list drop down menu in css using instructions here (The No-Code Way to a Pure CSS Horizontal Drop-Down Menu with Expression Web) and it works fine, but because of the huge variance of screen resolutions people use i would really like it to be centered, after literally spending hours and hours searching the net i find most sites seem to say it cant be done, others say it can but i haven't found one that works with a drop down with an unordered list css drop down menu.

    any idea's ?

    Also what are people doing about the huge variance of screen resolutions that people use to view a website? I have found that even if i use percentages for width etc the text still becomes so small as to be unreadable, what resolution should I be basing my website on? because apart from getting the resolution of the user (or god forbid changing their resolution,) the alternative seems to be loading a different version of the page that displays well at that resolution what are the alternatives?

    Ok and yes i am a newbie to all this css stuff, the last website i ever did was years ago, hand coded in notepad when the max resolution was 800x600.
