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Legacy Can someone make me a logo for a dog breeding website

Discussion in 'Archived' started by Jcarter, Aug 8, 2009.

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  1. Jcarter

    Jcarter New Member

    Hi I am in the process of putting up a website and need a logo. I breed Cane Corsos and my website is www.rayscanecorsos.com I would really like the sun's rays coming down and an outline of a Corso. That's all I could think of so feel free to run with whatever comes to mind. Thanks so much.:D
  2. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    sure np :)
  3. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    mr Carter, here you are :)

  4. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Hay boembom, i noticed when you click it, yiu can't see the letters very well.
  5. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    it's a watermark mate :)
  6. Jcarter

    Jcarter New Member

    That looks awesome but I don't think my idea is really what I was looking for, if that makes any sense. Oh and it's MS. Carter by the way :) Maybe something more simple but I don't know what since you guys(and girls) are the talented ones I'll leave it up to you. I love blue by the way and silver. Thanks so much
  7. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    ok, please give me some other examples, just to know what your style is.
  8. Jcarter

    Jcarter New Member

    Hi again, I really like the 5th one down since a symbol is hidden inside just not the lettering


    And here is the symbol I like for a Corso but I would like it turned the other way


    My fiance just called and asked what about doing Ray's above the back of the Corso and Cane to the right and Corsos to the left or just Corsos between the legs with Ray's still on the back or something along those lines, whatever you think would look best, thanks again for all of your help:)
  9. Jcarter

    Jcarter New Member


    I am working on my website today and really need the logo. Please someone help!
  10. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    Hello again, I understand that you want your website in the air, but the most of us have full time jobs and we do this in our spare time. Rushing wont speed up the work. I hope you'll understand that.
  11. Jcarter

    Jcarter New Member

    I am very sorry boemboem, I wasn't trying to step on anyone's toes. I appreciate any and all help offered from all of you. Thank you again.
  12. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    Do you like the still waters design?
  13. Jcarter

    Jcarter New Member

    Yes I really liked that one too.
  14. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    ok, It's difficult to make from a dog a font :D
  15. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    How about something simple and straight-forward.
    Like this shown within the paw prints on your site.

    Attached Files:

  16. Jcarter

    Jcarter New Member

    That's awesome! That's what I was looking for. I guess it took seeing it to realize it. Thanks CovertPea and boemboem for all of your hard work.
  17. Jcarter

    Jcarter New Member

    Is there anyway to get that in a banner, when I try to stretch it it gets distorted. Thanks again. Do you want me to put a link to this website on mine? How do I credit you for your work CovertPea?
  18. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Are you trying to fit it into that horizontal top bar?
    I thought perhaps you could use a smaller copy at the top just beside the name, like in the pick below.
    I could make a banner one up to fit that small top bar but, just like the image below, you wouldn't see much of the detail at all. And the tiny font would be illegible.

    Attached Files:

  19. CoolDiamond

    CoolDiamond New Member

    Hi, I sent you e-mail. Please check it out.
  20. Jcarter

    Jcarter New Member

    I would like it to fit across the top. It doesn't have to be that short though I can make it as tall as it needs to be to see the detail. I'm kinda stumped on how to put this on my page so everything can be seen. Maybe it would be easier without the paw prints. Thanks again.
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