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Legacy business logo

Discussion in 'Archived' started by colinc86, May 31, 2010.

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  1. colinc86

    colinc86 New Member

    hi dont know if im in the right forum for this.. im planning on starting my own painting and decorating business and wondered if anyone could design me a one off logo for my vans and website? my company name will be cmc decorators and my webite is www.cmcdecorators.co.uk.. not to sure on colours but blue,black,yellow,white anything like that.

    if i havent given enough info i apologies but ill give more if needed
  2. GG

    GG Active Member

    Here's my go..


    Not sure about the colours or if that's what you wanted the text to say but let me know if it's ok.

    You could've have also posted in the forum where you made a request for a badge. So you've got that football badge thing and this painting biz too??
  3. colinc86

    colinc86 New Member

    could u maybe put it into like an oval shape n maybe change colours abit
  4. GG

    GG Active Member

    exactly what colours? and change the colour on what? the 'CMC' or 'decorating'?
  5. colinc86

    colinc86 New Member

    just wanting to see a variety of designs basically.. dont mean to be a pain or if their is somewhere else i would be better trying then let me know
  6. GG

    GG Active Member

    Well I can't exactly make a few designs but here are the 2 that i've managed to do...



    Let me know what you think...

    Sent you a PM too. You can view it on the top right of your screen...:)
  7. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    They look awesome GG, veh good job! Specialy like that last one :D
  8. GG

    GG Active Member

    Thanks! :D
  9. colinc86

    colinc86 New Member

    yeah i really like the last one.. yeah you'll need to send it again deleted it by mistake without reading it
  10. GG

    GG Active Member

    Great! and yeah just sent it you again...
  11. colinc86

    colinc86 New Member

    thanks alot the design is exactly what am looking for, something to stand out and get noticed.. ive got your pm and sent you one back
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