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Legacy Badminton Logo

Discussion in 'Archived' started by podgelows, Apr 9, 2009.

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  1. podgelows

    podgelows New Member

    Hi, i am looking for a Logo for a website i have created for Cumbria Badminton Association.

    1) www.cumbria-badminton.co.uk (Cumbria Badminton Association), CBA could also be used in the logo rather than the full title...?
    2) Website for the Cumbria Badminton Association with info on clubs, county squad news etc
    3) Would like a shuttlecock layout somehow if possible, so the C for cumbria is part of the cork, and then the Badminton and Association flow out like the feathers of a shuttle......but i am open to anything at all.
    4) Large so it can be printed on Shirts/Jackets etc if need be
    5) Anything badminton related will do (Use of a shuttlecock/Racket etc)
    6) Red, Blue, White if possible. (in process of creating a new website that will be mainly red)


  2. Osman

    Osman Member


    hope u like it.

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