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Legacy Badly need ska/punk band logo!!!

Discussion in 'Archived' started by gothianer, Jun 23, 2007.

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  1. gothianer

    gothianer New Member

    hi to all!!
    I am from Croatia and I have a HC/punk/ska band called MRKE PLOCE wich means something like "lowering LP records".I anybody has any artistic idea please help me cause we are recording a demo in a few days and badly nedd it.Thank you in advance!!
  2. Murphy666

    Murphy666 New Member

    hi bud i can make some thing for you if you would like here is a few things i have done Click HERE!! just send me a pm with what ya want done if you your are still in need mate :)
  3. kirtapp

    kirtapp New Member

    is there a current website or a current logo so I can see what the name actually looks like?
  4. gothianer

    gothianer New Member

    i don't have any logo,but i though it should be a LP record with a darkly face on it(something like a dark smiley)and name "MRKE PLOCE" around it or maybe under it?
  5. Murphy666

    Murphy666 New Member

    lp cover you say hay cool i will have ago at one as well :)
  6. kirtapp

    kirtapp New Member

    are you looking for something like this?

  7. gothianer

    gothianer New Member

    it is COOL ,but it sholud be all black n white,and i thought that the name should be at the outer part of the record(the songs part)and in the inner can stay that darkly face!and,everything should be in a clipart style.
  8. kirtapp

    kirtapp New Member

    refresh your page and look up.
  9. gothianer

    gothianer New Member

    yes this is it!!i have to ask the rest of the band if they agree with me!
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