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Customization anyone convert psd file into html please

Discussion in 'General' started by teentech, May 24, 2008.

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  1. teentech

    teentech New Member

    Please anyone convert my psd file into HTML cuz i dont know how to do it . i want Editable html page where i will able to replace their text with my text .
    When You Will Convert It Please Send It To My Email : faraz_me@hotmail.com .

    Thanks in advance . Download psd file from below .
    sorry for my bad english

    Attached Files:

  2. Jaybirddesigns

    Jaybirddesigns New Member

    Just go here and do it yourself its free PSD2CSSONLINE.com
  3. teentech

    teentech New Member

    i have already visited this site . when i upload my psd file in this site . i got html page with only pictures and no text to edit as an result . what do i do
  4. Jaybirddesigns

    Jaybirddesigns New Member

    Are you using a html editor of some kind like dreamweaver? I usually just make a rasterized square where i want my text in photoshop. Then in dreamweaver, delete the jpg square not the div and then I have a text area. Our Delete the <img> and place your text between the <div id layer>

    For instance:

    <Div id layer-1><IMG alt=bodybk src=”index_files/layer-1.png”>

    Make it look like:

    <Div id layer-1>Text goes here…

    Don't forget to watch the videos good info there:
  5. teentech

    teentech New Member

    i tried psd2cssonline.com but some of my picture were not converting into html . pleae help me
  6. Jaybirddesigns

    Jaybirddesigns New Member

    If you want them to be a jpg then you have to name it pic_jpg

    Somtimes if you have multiple layers is causes glitches, try and merge as many as you can.
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