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Legacy A Request.

Discussion in 'Archived' started by biff, Apr 5, 2010.

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  1. biff

    biff New Member

    First of all I would like to thank everyone here that put's in time to do this for free, you guys are the best!

    I'm looking for something such as a fist clenching 2 lightning bolts that sort of make a cross in the hand (a lot like the cross and bones jolly roger.)

    1) What is your website address (ex: http://site.com ; Site Name)?
    Currently getting a url, this is a work in progress, my apologies.

    2) Description of your website:
    The website will be a personal blog with a portfolio of templates I've done over the years.

    3) List 3 logo designs you really like & why:
    http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/563/hcchandandlightning.jpg This one is a good over all idea of what I'm looking for.

    http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/3568/ist25719173powerhand.jpg Another good example, I would like the color of the hand to be a metallic silver.

    http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/9348/impulselogo.png And lastly this one because I love the glossy web 2.0 look, and would like mine to be like this if possible.

    4) Requested size of your logo: Something in the 600x600px I dont really need it to be high res, but good enough for print for maybe shrits.

    5) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo? (must be copyright free)

    I do not.

    6) Any colors you prefer?
    A silverish color for the hand, and maybe a light blue for the thunderbolt. Just what ever your artistic eye think's would be a best fit for the bolt, gold/blue. But again, if possible I would like the images to have a web 2.0 glossy look to it.
  2. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Sounds like a fun request. I'll give it a try, but creating shapes isn't really my strong point.
  3. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    biff, while Recidivist is trying to help you, look around the forum as see if you can contribute something - that's how it works around here.
  4. biff

    biff New Member

    I plan on contributing, would not have asked if I had nothing to offer for the community! But thanks for reiterating it, some folks can seem to forget :(
  5. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    This is my first try. I took a free fist image, traced parts of it and made my own edits, hopefully that's ok with you as my 'from-scratch' attempts wern't great. The lightning bolt was all me, I wasn't too sure about the colour or amount of blur, so just say if you want any changes. I didn't do the web 2.0 look very well, but I just wanted to show you it so far. Hope it's ok.
  6. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Small update:

  7. biff

    biff New Member

    Great job Recidivist! Just a few minor changes, First the colors are perfect, just tone down the glow on the bolt a bit (nice effect with that to by the way!) and make the bolt a tad more defined with the image. Very pleased with how it's looking!

    Edit; 2nd fist looks even better :D
  8. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Are theese better? Cut off a bit that should have been behin the bolt, so hopefully it looks more like it is part of the image. 4 has less blur than 3.

    Just noticed I put the blur under the bit I cut. Ill reuplaod. Gimmie a sec.
  9. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Ok, I've noticed i've fudged up the layers, so I'm gonna redo the lightning bolt and hopefully get a better effect. I should have something for you tonight, if not, it should be here tomorrow.
  10. biff

    biff New Member

    Ok, thanks much!
  11. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    I thought you nailed it on that last one. How about you biff do you see what Recidivist is talking about. Artists they are temperamental.
  12. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Ok, I had a break and re-did it. Also included one with a sort of background so you can see how it looks on a diff colour. Hope you like it.

    Edit: Screwed up the bolt. Updating.

    Edit 2: Update the first image. Updating second image now.

    Edit 3: Updated second image

  13. biff

    biff New Member

    This is great! Thank you and this will do well! I appreciate it.
  14. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    I tried to attach a zip containg all the files, but it kept failing. Uploaded to my webserver, tell me when you have downloaded it so I can delete it.

    Enjoy :)

    Download here (PSD's, XCF's, PNG's)

    Included PSD's and XCF's incase you need to edit. (XCF is used by 'Gimp' which is a free 'Photoshop alternative'.) Use the PNG's for your website.

  15. biff

    biff New Member

    I have it, thanks!
  16. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Great :)

    *file removed*
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