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  1. lubismart
    lubismart Mimoun
    hello Mr. Mimoun, I am interesting your wedding templates, but when I try to download, it is error...
    1. Mimoun
      Do you still need help with this?
      Jan 7, 2016
  2. Khalid Malik
    Khalid Malik
    To Be and NOT To Be is NOT the same!
  3. Salamat
    I am agree with you
  4. Amanda Osinski
  5. saradawn
    saradawn Mimoun
    hello i have a question about the wood working template?!

    On the home page there are the three boxes that are all brown but the middle one is a darker brown i would like to change that middle one to the same color as the lighter ones. I can do so on photoshop and then try to save it as html. but it only saves as images and then I can't edit anything on Dreamweaver... maybe you can help.
    1. Mimoun
      Do you still need help with this?
      Jan 7, 2016
  6. jaydeep dwivedi
    jaydeep dwivedi
    life is the name oflife
  7. quomodo
    Hello. I'm Ruby on Rails Developer, Webdesigner, jQuery and HTML Developer.
  8. kirkgamer
  9. chitla kiran kumar
  10. Echoo travel
  11. Echoo travel
  12. nitin wadekar
    nitin wadekar Ruthe
    Hi, I am a YOGA teacher and online guided meditation adviser. This is just non profit activity. I give back to society. And that is why I request able techie and designer to share their wisdom to design, develop online existence. I have purchased url and hosting.
    1. Reznick and Bannay like this.
  13. Michelle
    Michelle Mimoun
    hi sir, how are you?
    1. Joed likes this.
  14. chrysanth misen
  15. om singh kuber
    om singh kuber
  16. titu143
    Hi I am Hossain. I want to create a book store website.
  17. Brett Brough
  18. penuel abella
    penuel abella Mimoun
    hi sir i am a student software developer can i use your free website template for my personal purposes sir?
    1. Mimoun
      yes you can do this.
      Jan 7, 2016
  19. Best Joomla! templates
    Best Joomla! templates
  20. Eric Mrazik
    Eric Mrazik Ruthe
    Hey Ruthe
    Why was my Request for a website template removed?
    1. Reznick likes this.