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My diary template

Discussion in 'Free Website Templates' started by Mimoun, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    My diary template.

    Click on the image to view in real size:


    The website template will work perfectly with all modern browsers.
    Tested with:
    What is included:
    HTML file
    CSS file
    Sliced PSD file Photoshop source design
  2. soheilweb

    soheilweb New Member

    Thank you.
    This is very nice.
    I am a Iranian boy, so I can`t speak English.
  3. Adlb

    Adlb New Member

    1) My diary template
    2) Package (zip) not complete
    3) Yes

    Is this for Joomla?
  4. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    No its not a joomla template.
  5. CosyCornerSims

    CosyCornerSims New Member

    It looks great, I might use it for my site instead of the Gamezone one. Thank you.
  6. bobbyg

    bobbyg New Member

    Looks great but will not download:Download link reads:
    "The webpage cannot be found"
  7. arifmasum

    arifmasum New Member

    I can not download, says not found, can anyone tell me why?
  8. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    The link is works now.
    If you get a download link problem again let us know.
  9. jordan333

    jordan333 New Member

    Good work!
  10. emilypal

    emilypal New Member

    I liked your template very much.
    Though if to speak about colors I prefer background we a little different. For example, light brown. I think it would be more compatible with your sidebar.
  11. Linx

    Linx Member

    Excellent work! and so innovative! The navigation menu bar appears in the middle of the screen. Good decision!
  12. fuzzybearphoto

    fuzzybearphoto New Member

    It's a beautiful, elegant template but it's a bit buggy in Windows Explorer 7. The main text will shift sometimes when the page is loaded, refreshed, or when you right click to look at the properties of the pictures on the right.

    I am no expert and it took me months to solve the problem. Modify the css file as follows by adding the zoom property:

    #body {
    zoom: 1;

    I love the template very much and hope that this will help other users.
  13. kathyper

    kathyper New Member

    I use Firefox and the templates looks great for this browser.
  14. cheriseb37

    cheriseb37 New Member


    Can someone help me out ...I am totally new to this and not sure how you go by revamping the template...want to add our pics and info...our website is not published yet...we are working on making it look good...and ran across this site...thanks for your prompt attention to my need for help
  15. hull91

    hull91 New Member

    my diary

    I love this template!!! I downloaded it, but how can I change the text in the images (ex....want to put my name where it says "my diary"). I tried inserting text, but it deleted the corner wrappers.
    Help - new here, but trying to understand!
  16. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    That text is merged with the image. Below is a 'blank' that you can add your own text to.

    Attached Files:

    • logo.gif
      File size:
      4.3 KB
  17. twiddler

    twiddler New Member

    Speaking of Graphics...

    I teach web design as community education in the UK and downloaded the 'My Diary' template (chosen at random) to demonstrate to my class how to change the images, text etc. My mistake was to leave it unchanged on my server and recently Getty Images wrote a very nasty letter demanding £800 each plus Vat for two of the images in the template at the bottom. They accuse me of using unlicenced images for commercial gain and even though I wrote and phoned them to discuss the matter, I am guilty in their eyes and have to pay according to the law! The template is unchanged but was on my server which is good enough for them to claim a very unreasonable amount of money without proving anything in court. An amount which according to their site can go to $15,000 per image.

  18. hull91

    hull91 New Member

    my diary

    Thank you for the blank graphic. It's coming along nicely, but I do have one more question.....how can I change the color of the side bar, or insert a texture? Thanks in advance for all your help!
  19. yahya_4me

    yahya_4me New Member

    good jop
    nice template
  20. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Hull asked:
    The side bar is simply a couple of pixels high graphic that is repeated vertically on the page layout.
    (Graphic shown below.)
    Change it's colour in a graphic's editor, resave and stick back in the template's 'images' folder.
    I don't know what you mean by inserting a texture though.

    Attached Files:

    • bar.gif
      File size:
      55 bytes