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Websites Please review website

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by redseaenterprises, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. redseaenterprises

    redseaenterprises New Member

    Hi, very green website maker. could you have a look and constructively critise. Really need an online booking system to go on here, difficult with no budget. Thanks Bill
  2. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    Don't worry about the "no budget". You can obtain Google page one by following the advise from the forums. Use your common sense about the advise.
    First, you need to use a keyword suggestion tool such as wordtracker (free) there are other good ones also
    Free keyword suggestion tool for SEO, Adwords & blogging
    also their free tutorials
    Search Engine Optimization for Profit
    SEO Keywords | Search Engine Optimization
    Second, you need web page analytics (free) [I use more than one]
    Google Analytics | Official Website
    Yahoo! Web Analytics
    StatCounter Free invisible Web tracker, Hit counter and Web stats
    GoStats Free Analytics & Website Hit Counter, Download Now
    Third, you need a web page analyzer (free ie use the free versions)
    Free Search Engine Optimization | Free SEO Tools
    FREE WEB SITE PAGE ANALYSIS - CreatingOnline.com
    Fourth, you need webmaster tools (free)
    Free SEO Tools SEO Software Resources Web Site Promtion Tools Auto URL Submission, Link Popularity Checker, META Tag Scanner
    Webmaster Tools and SEO Software Resources :: Webmaster Toolkit
    This should give you a start
    I will try and give you more information later.
    The keyword tool is to help you find effective keywords for your title and description [keywords are the words people use to find your site (search the internet for what they want information on the internet)]

    Google displays 66 characters (including spaces) of your title (be sure to have a short description with your title)
    Google displays 150 characters of your description below your title. Be sure and use good keywords here. As you improve your title and description, your position and traffic will improve.
    hope this helps

  3. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    Airport transportation service


    Very poor contrast on this site (hard to read)





    here are some examples of airport service - get some ideas from them for your site.
    Why don't you have some hotels that you recommend (affiliates where you get a commission on customers - and have them book online)
    A map is nice for the area and tourist sites (also show where the hotels are - the ones you recommend) plus information and pictures of the accomendations.
    Do you only serve the united kingdom or do you also serve the united states - might be an idea to list the prices in us dollars also.
    hope this helps