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General wheres mimoun

Discussion in 'General' started by xdrive, Nov 25, 2005.

  1. xdrive

    xdrive Banned

    i was wondering where mimoun is heaps of people have requested teamplates and he hasnt replyed he hasnt been on the forums for a long time where is he?
  2. Connor

    Connor Moderator / Programmer


    Yes I wondered the same thing too. I haven't read anything by him in atleast a month maybe ( i might be wrong ).

  3. xdrive

    xdrive Banned

    nahh he replyed to my post last week tops i think he hasnt been on for 2 weeks
  4. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Don't worry I'm not gone.
    I just have been very busy making a new website.

    I will still work on this site and make new templates that have been requested.
    I will also try to hire some more web designers and a new administrator to run the forum and handle all the requests.

    I still have around 40 great templates I need to add I will try to add new ones every week.

    Anyway don't worry I will try to get things running up again ones my other website is ready, but you know that all great things take time.
  5. xdrive

    xdrive Banned

    whats your other website?

    P.S i will be a Mod or Admin if you like?
  6. Connor

    Connor Moderator / Programmer


    What kind of website is your other one and whats the URL?

  7. xdrive

    xdrive Banned

    thats what i asked dont double post
  8. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    It's a social online bookmarking website with a twist which will make it the best on the internet.
    It's not ready yet I will post the url ones the beta version is ready.
  9. xdrive

    xdrive Banned

    can i be the admin or the mod?
  10. xdrive

    xdrive Banned

  11. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Be patient xdrive I'm working on a new solution will let you know about it soon.