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News What do you think of Google's new search?

Discussion in 'General' started by gandalph, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. gandalph

    gandalph New Member

    For those who haven't seen it, Google have introduced a new, "live" search - basically, it updates your search results as you type.

    I think it's pretty cool, what does everyone else think?

    If it's not appearing on the main Google page, try here:

    More info:
    Google Instant
  2. djwilson

    djwilson New Member

    Cool but I don't like it personally.
  3. Crazy4

    Crazy4 New Member

    I use google all the time and I am not a fan of the new search style.
  4. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    InstaSearch is a bit annoying, but I don't notice it much. What annoys the hell out of me if their new Google Images. I liked the old one, now I actually find myself freezing up and getting lag while just browsing down the pages of images >.> My internet is utter turd, but I don't expect to have this much problem for just images. It's completely pointless and makes it even harder to find images. *rantface*
  5. scott4701

    scott4701 New Member

    The new search in Google is very effective and easy to visualize the search results.
  6. Chef Boy

    Chef Boy New Member

    At first I thought it was pretty cool, however I quickly realized it doesn't have many benefits... I'm pretty neutral on it at this point. However I dislike the Google Image set up now... might just take some getting used to though.
  7. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    I'm with Reci and CB. The new image set up is a pain in the posterior!
  8. WebsiteNewbie

    WebsiteNewbie New Member

    Seemed quite cool to me at first, now finding it annoying but mite be down to my connection not always being fast enough
  9. mikebell

    mikebell Banned

    Its good but not fast like the previous one. I think google must have to think about it because now its page loading speed is very slow and we have to wait more for the results.
  10. mikebell

    mikebell Banned

    I agree with you its good one

    Its good one google search is now some advance that is more fruitful for all google users.
  11. fryzas

    fryzas New Member

    Well, it's quite nice. Though, it gets annoying sometimes, as my Firefox lags. Might be my PC though, or Firefox addons. I heard, it annoys a lot of people though.
  12. rifley

    rifley Banned

    I think it's cool, but it can't be good for the environment, have to consume a lot of power..
  13. Its cool and nice search engine and its new things are really amazing
    nice effort
  14. razgriz537

    razgriz537 Member

    I really enjoy it. It's really cool