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User Reputation System

Discussion in 'News' started by Mimoun, Jul 10, 2005.

  1. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    I have added a user reputation system.
    Reputation is shown on the right side of your username when you post a message.
    The little green dots, the more you have the better.

    You can give reputation points to anyone who has helped you out or if you think that user made a great post.
    Click on the scales image on the top right of someone's post to give that person points
    I will also be given out a lot of reputation points to people that make great posts.

    When the forum becomes more popular I will need moderators anyone who has more than 250 points will make a chance to become a moderator.

    Here is the text which you get with the points you can see the text by holding your mouse on the little green dots:

    User is infamous around these parts: -9999
    User can only hope to improve: -50
    User has a little shameless behaviour in the past :-10
    User is an unknown quantity at this point: 0
    User is on a distinguished road : 10
    User will become famous soon enough :50
    User has a spectacular aura about :150
    User is a jewel in the rough: 250
    User is just really nice: 350
    User is a glorious beacon of light: 450
    User is a name known to all: 550
    User is a splendid one to behold: 650
    User has much to be proud of: 1000
    User has a brilliant future: 1500 - 1999
    User has a reputation beyond repute: 2000
    3 people like this.
  2. joel

    joel Member

    yay i like this idea
  3. joel

    joel Member

    i have 10 points wonder who voted for me? i bet everyone voted for mimoun i did lol becuase of his great templates he makes :)
  4. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    You get 10 points standard when you join the forum.
    If someone votes for you can see it in your user control panel
  5. joel

    joel Member

    ok thanks wonder if anyone has voted for me :)
  6. joel

    joel Member

    hey i went to my cp and couldnt find qwhere to look if someones voted for u
  7. joel

    joel Member

    well? where do i go to find it i looked in my cp but couldnt find where to see who voted for you
  8. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    That's because no one has voted for you yet.
  9. joel

    joel Member

    oh ok *crys :(
  10. csmith

    csmith New Member

    Hey all,

    Loving the new system. Its a cracking idea. Keep up the good work :)
  11. joel

    joel Member

    could someone please vote for me:(
  12. csmith

    csmith New Member

    Joel are you feeling a bit left out?
  13. joel

    joel Member

    lol yer a bit
  14. saheb

    saheb New Member

    thanks bro
  15. saheb

    saheb New Member

    are these reputation system temps available freely or one has to buy it?
  16. solemage

    solemage New Member

    Um, Saheb, look at the date.. it was a while back.
  17. Midi the Squirrel

    Midi the Squirrel New Member

    Meh, I just joined, so I don't have any! [​IMG] Or maybe I should... [​IMG]
  18. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Help some people :D

    Best way for getting rep!~
  19. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    Yep, a little help goes a long way :)
  20. BandPro

    BandPro New Member

    Unless people don't add to your rep when you help them....