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Undisclosed Gaming - Website

Discussion in 'Free Website Templates' started by Micah Boulter, Nov 6, 2015.

  1. Micah Boulter

    Micah Boulter New Member

    • Website URL:

    • Website description:
      It's planned on being a gaming community for more then just one specific game. We are looking to have this website do many different things like promote our gaming servers and our sponsors.... ECT

    • The Structure of my website:
      Alright so what i am looking for is a website with images of different PC related games (I.E. Minecraft - CSGO - Garrys Mod) as the "header" image, i want there to be a navigation bar above this with the hex color #1c1c1c and with the hover code to be red the menu should have these tabs in this order (Home-Store-Forums-Apply-Staff). then like i was thing with the header image i'm looking for something to do with games, like say the new Black ops 3 game picture, something along those lines. Under that i am looking for a description of what we are and who we are with a image aligned right. under that i would want 3 row column of a picture at the top, a small header and a little paragraph of text under that with a read more button at the bottom of each, under that i would want a page break then another 3 column row but this time with a Donation header at the top then pictures of some sort (this will be changed once my graphic designer finishes the pictures) and just text describing the item of choice, but only 3 items on the home page. under that a social media bar with the circle images of facebook, twitter, google+. under that a footer with a contact form and 2 columns of links with 3 links in each row and a header on the first one of "legal" second one "Contact" third one "social media". also the website would need a working forums that matches the website theme a working shops and a working members login

    • My favorite template designs on Free Website Templates:
      http://www.wix.com/website-template...experiment_id=ma_html_fwt_temp_4_12_nightclub - i like this one becuase i like the look of the header, just with a different font and different colors.

      https://freewebsitetemplates.com/preview/gamezone/index.html - i like the user login, just make it work and make it look more professional

      http://www.wix.com/website-template...a_fwt&experiment_id=ma_html_fwt_temp_compshop - i like the 3 rows of things they have just with a color change and picture change and what not

    • Other websites whose design I like:

    • Preferred colors:
      primary background color: a nice pure white, but not to white with a hint of grey
      secondary background color: #1c1c1c1
      primary text: black or grey
      secondary text: red

    • Notes:
      Working forums
      Working contact forum on footer
      Working member sign up with a bot verification and login
      Working IRC chat for the store page only
      Working Application