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Web Design Text in to stay as text in html?

Discussion in 'Web Design' started by alphamale, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. alphamale

    alphamale New Member

    hey guys,

    one more question, how do i get my text in my psd document to end up as text in the html document as opposed to just an image slice?

  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Right click on the slice -> Edit slice options.. -> Slice type: No Image.
    Then copy the text in the text box.
  3. alphamale

    alphamale New Member

    got that, but when i do it i lose my text formating and the text is displayed on a white background instead of my photoshop slice.
    how do i keep the text formatting and layout but make the text html?

  4. Stupidesigner

    Stupidesigner Member

    Hi Alphamal :)

    First thing to do, you hide the text lyer and save the template, when you import the template to dreamweaver or any editor just click on the image and copy its name from teh proprities for ex : images/my_image.Gif
    after that delet the image and put its source as a background :)
    then type your text :)

    That's it.
    If need help drop msg :)