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Websites Review or advice on www.rootback.co.uk please

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by chizum, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. chizum

    chizum New Member

    I am looking for a little advice for my website that is currently under construction.
    The aim is for people to use this as their homepage. The idea is for users to create a page with their own links to WebPages they use on a regular basis (a little like being able to access their "favourites" from any PC anywhere in the world).

    You can customise each box or tiltle with whatever text or link you like.

    I am not a professional web designer so wanted to keep things simple but not “naff” looking.

    I plan to incorporate some form of advertising (not sure where or what yet!!) to generate some income).

    Any constructive advice/criticism or just general feedback would be appreciated.

    Although my background is in IT I am not a programmer so am trying to learn PHP and mysql as I go along!!

    My website url is: www.rootback.co.uk
  2. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    Idea for advertising:
    When someone clicks a link you send them to a "loading page"
    Where there is an ad, while you "load" but are really just redirecting them.
  3. chizum

    chizum New Member

    Hey pezboy45,

    Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try and incorporate this into the site. One thing I don't want to do is turn people off by delaying where they want to get to so I need to be a bit creative in the the way I do it!
  4. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    Ok, work something into ajax for when the page is ACTUALLY loading, it shows an ad.

    For non-registered users, it shows ads, and registered users have non.
    (Gets people to register)
  5. emilypal

    emilypal New Member

    Great idea! I like that your site is very self-explaining and well-structured. Though, you should dress it in a more impressive design. It truly deserves this!
  6. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    You have 447 validation warnings
    Too many to correct by hand
    Use HTML Tidy for automatic correction
    saves time and grief
    hope this helps