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Websites Review my fashion site

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by stephanieandrews, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. stephanieandrews

    stephanieandrews New Member

    Please take a minute to review my site- www.sapphirewhisper.com

    I can not get the majority of the traffic to stay more than 5 minutes on the home page. What's the problem, I've developed a lot of helpful content that I need to get the people to give it a chance and read. I'd appreciate any help and suggestions.
  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    The content on your website is great.

    The problem that people don't stay longer is because of the very confusing user interface and no action calls at all.
    People have to know what to do at every moment, if finding what to do next is hard they will just leave your website.
  3. emilypal

    emilypal New Member

    I thought it's an online shop because you have a lot of photos in your home page.
    I believe you should add more text to your homepage. Currently I have to click different links to get to your articles.
    You have About Sandra Alice page but you don't have a text describing what you site is about. At least I haven't found it.
    Of course people leave your website. They simply don't know why they should stay longer.
    Tell us about your site. I believe you'll have more readers if your site has a clear structure and about us page.
  4. stephanieandrews

    stephanieandrews New Member

    Thank you for taking your time to help and I am going to play around with changing the home page to be more clear.
  5. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    The problem is the layout should be easy to understand and easy to navigate
    It also should flow with a natural order
    Don't make me think - make it easy to understand
    You need a place for the items for sale, grouped by categories
    also a place for articles and navigation that will guide me through your site to find what I want without thinking (pictures do help)
    jewlery needs a picture of jewlery and labled, also clothing etc.
    also why should I shop from you ??
    hope this helps
  6. ankitmehta

    ankitmehta New Member

    your website looks great! i would suggest you to use some tool for the pdf to show the content on your page only instead of downloading the pdf on users desktop. You can take the help of www.scribd.com